For enquiries about lost property, you may either call the Transperth InfoLine or alternatively call the local depot link to Service Provider Details.

Urgent items

You should use the Transperth InfoLine if the return of your lost property back is vital, for example if it is medication, your wallet or legal documents. We give priority to such items.

Found something?

If you have found some lost property, please hand it to the bus driver so we can log it in our system and return it to the owner. If you are unsure of where to hand it in you can contact the Transperth InfoLine. 

Collection of your lost property

We record details of all lost property handed in to us. If we have your item, we will advise you about how to collect it.

Lost items will be held for a total of 30 days.

Town Operator Phone Postal Address
Albany Swan Transit 9247 7508 7 Barker Road, Albany
Bridgetown Warren Bus Service 9771 1014 Lot 788 Crouch Street, Manjimup
Broome Lildar Pty Ltd 0429 937 258 11 Clementson St, Broome WA 6725
Bunbury Swan Transit 9796 9500 1 Allnut Court, Bunbury
Busselton Swan Transit 9753 7500 62 Roe Terrace, Busselton
Carnarvon Carnarvon Bus Charters 9941 3336 43 Holden Street, Carnarvon
Collie Collie Bus Service 9734 5596 Lot 2073 Collins Street, Collie
Esperance Esperance Bus Service 9072 1717 86 Norseman Road, Esperance
Geraldton Path Transit 9968 2201 30 Bedford Street, Geraldton
Kalgoorlie Swan Transit 9256 8520 108 Boulder Road, Kalgoorlie
Karratha Go West Tours 9185 4545 1957 Pyramid Road, Karratha LIA
Kununurra Chylan Holdings 0450 250 691 19A River Gum Avenue, Kununurra
Manjimup Warren Bus Service 9771 1014 Lot 788 Crouch Street, Manjimup
Narrogin Nicholls Bus & Coach Service 9881 1736 6 Quigley Street, Narrogin
Port Hedland Australian Transit Group 0439 152 399 9 Sandhill Street, Port Hedland
Waroona-Mandurah Australian Transit Group 9581 6555 87 Hammond Road, Cockburn Central